Boomhauer Font is a unique Display typeface created by the prominent graphic designer Danial Zadorozny, who is well-known in the world of typography. This sensational typeface is available in both OTF and TTF file formats.
This typeface is composed of many contemporary features such as a fine set of ligatures, and stylistic alternates along with a balanced composition of text structure which is comprised of both small and capital alphabets, numbers from 0-9, punctuations, and symbols.
The most impressive characteristic of this typeface family is its generator tool. You can compose the text in this font using its online generator tool as it’s not necessary to download the font. moreover, if you’ve already generated a text and now you desire to convert it into this typeface then it’s also possible as you can perform this action by simply using its copy-paste tool.
Download Boomhauer Font Free
Its calligraphy style looks fantastic to your eyes and quickly grabs the attention of the audience as it imbues a sophisticated, elegant, and classy style that complements every aspect of your patterns and designs. This font style is largely used to make a pair with other fonts. So, I recommend combining it with palanquin font.
License: Personal Use!
Font Type: Free
Formats: TTF & OTF
Total Files: 1