Imprint Shadow Font Free Download

The Imprint Shadow Font is a sans-serif font created in 1912 by Gerard Meynell and J.H. Mason. This typeface features a large x-height and was inspired by the designs of Caslon’s from the Pierpont.

This typeface was commissioned by Monotype Corporation. This shadow typeface is great to be used inside the magazine and all other printing and typography work with the likes of Thunderstorm font.

The “shadowed” or inline version, of this typeface, was released with the launch of the Microsoft program, and all of these are used regularly in laptop publishing, for mastheads and titles. This is a great font because its bold and italic weights are used on different websites and the paring function of this typeface is also used in the making of circuits.

Imprint Shadow Font Free Download

License: Personal Use!
Font Type: Free
Formats: TTF & OTF
Total Files: 1

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