Masculine Script Font is a handwritten type of font. Aulia Rahman is the designer and owner of this handwritten typeface. Otto Font, Architext Font, and James Fajardo font are the most similar typeface to this typeface.
There are 217 different glyphs for this typeface. This typeface is famous for its super cool texture with the styling of wolverine font and in this typeface, you will find all the modern features that new typefaces should have.
This typeface is also being used to maintain the cursive texture of the content that will directly add uniformity, and maintaining uniformity is one of the keen features of the typeface. There are many different characters available in this typeface and all of them are designed professionally using the proper padding and space. This is the reason that this typeface has supremacy.
Masculine Script Font Free Download
License: Personal Use!
Font Type: Free
Formats: TTF & OTF
Total Files: 1