Roboto Slab Font is a unique sans-serif typeface. The designer of this font puts additional styles and swashes to make it unique and proficient. This font is perfect for creating logos, promotional videos, elegant UIs, attractive UX designs, and other lots of stuff.
Here, we provide the font family that can be availed in zip format. After unzipping it there are lots of ttf and otf files which are executable files that will install the fonts on your system.
Due to its clean texture, it can be used in combination with arciform typeface, you may easily use this outstanding font for ambitious headings, website covers, brand designs, Facebook page designs, official cards, precise emblems, and so on.
Roboto Slab Font Free Download
Take a look in the image below to see the sample of the Roboto Slab Font. See the image clearly to check how clear, stylish and attractive.

License: Personal Use!
Font Type: Free
Formats: TTF & OTF
Total Files: 1